Live Love Lush [and Other Current Craves]

If you have read some of my other posts you know that I am on a journey for a greener life. It’s a slow journey but change takes time and money and lets’s not kid ourselves, going green is pretty expensive at first! Are there cheaper ways to do it than what I am doing? Probably! Are there better ways? Most definitely, but it’s all about what is best for me on my journey and not what was best for Hank from Vancouver (who is, as far as I am aware, not a real human being).

I am not yet at the stage where I have the means or knowledge to make my own products or really know what half the stuff in what I currently use does. I buy things, and that is O.K. I’m not sponsored nor do I write for anyone besides myself and the two people who stumble across this blog so if I review a product it’s just me, myself, and I doing the talking.

I have cycled out and replaced pretty much all of the un-natural bath products that I used to use on the regular. Yesterday, I finished this out by splurging on a face wash and moisturizer from Lush and will no longer be using harsh chemicals on my face. What do I use you may be wondering? I will give you a full breakdown below!


I use a bar shampoo from J.R.Liggett. I’ve used at least two different kinds from this company and it took a little while to figure out how much to use and how to use it effectively but I’ve finally found a system and bar I think works. I currently use the Original Formula but I have used the Coconut and Argan as well.

Here is the pack of the packaging and the ingredients list! This little bar is pretty affordable depending on where you get it from too which is lovely.


Honestly when I picked out the conditioner grabbed this one randomly because my friend was tired of being in the natural store. It turns out I like it Image result for EO lavender conditionerfor the most part though!

I use the French Lavender Conditioner from EO. To be honest I haven’t read the ingredients the whole way through because there are a lot of them and I didn’t know what half of them were. SO, I will be shopping for a new one that has fewer ingredients and that I know for sure it’s all natural.

Do I like it? Yes, although I’m not the biggest fan of lavender as it turns out!


I have sensitive skin so switching from Dove a few years back was a little scary – but not as scary as their animal testing is! I currently use Kirks Original Coco Castile Soap because after some trial and error it’s the only soap thus far that a. doesn’t leave a film (Hello Tom’s of Maine!) and b. soothes the irritation from other products that I try out.

It’s hypoallergenic, biodegradable, cruelty-free, has no animal by-products, and no synthetic detergents. All of which I love! The price isn’t too bad either!

Ingredients: Coconut soap, water, vegetable glycerin, coconut oil, natural fragrances.


Again the sensitive skin plays tricks on me! I use Kiss My Face Moisture Shave right now. As far as I can tell it’s mostly natural and works well on my easily irritated skin. It’s not foam nor is it a sudsy shave cream, it comes in a pump bottle and you just slather it on.Image result for kiss my face shave cream

Does anyone have any suggestions for some razors that won’t break the bank and are less horrible than disposable razors?

Oral Hygiene

Nothing fancy here! Just Tom’s of Maine toothpaste without fluoride. You can find it at almost any big name grocery store!

Face Care

I will be the first to admit I do not take super great care of my face these days. My skin is fairly clear and I just don’t love adding that extra step into my routine. I recently decided that enough is enough and I should clean my face as well as I clean the rest of me SO yesterday I went out to Lush, a company that is built on the foundation of all natural, to see what they had. If you’ve ever been to Lush you know it can be overwhelming and the sales people are so nice you don’t remember the word “no” exists.

I tried a few things and came away with two products and some samples. The face wash I got is called Aqua MariAqua Marinana. It’s a “calming calamine wash” that gently exfoliates and nourishes the skin with its sea salt (very very fine) and nori seaweed. It does have 4″safe synthetics” however the rest are natural ingredients.

Along with the face wash I got was is labeled as a “primer” but also works as a moisturizer according to the sales associate. It’s called Magical Moringa and it was expennnnsive but way cheaper than the other moisturizer she wanted to sell me. It has only one “safe synthetic” in it for fragrance. This is a shea butter based moisturizer so it is more solid than liquid. I don’t mind this so much after using a solid deodorant and being used to warming products up with the heat of my body.

We shall see how these two products work!


PLEASE send me suggestions! I keep having reactions to deodorants and it’s not ideal. I used Primal Pit Paste, liked the smell, it worked really well but started giving me a rash. I also tried one from Fat and the Moon on Etsy which I LOVE but again, started to give me a rash. So now I am back to Tom’s of Maine which I do not like at all and don’t believe works that well. Help!


Long long post but that’s okay!
If you have any suggestions or tips or thoughts about the prodcuts I am or could be using let me know in the comments!


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